Page Kirk provides continuing support for Emmanuel House

Head Receptionist, Amanda Willis, who coordinates the firm's charity activity, brings us up to date with the support we've offered so far to the cause we've adopted in 2021.
Despite a great deal of hardship, the past year has brought the country together in many ways and has drawn more attention to the importance of looking after our community. In our fast-paced lives, we often forget to be grateful for the bare essentials such as food, clothing and shelter.
Whilst most of us have a support network of friends and family to help during hard times, too many of us don't. Page Kirk are proud to be raising money and organising food collections for a charity that has been the support network for tens of thousands of homeless, vulnerable and isolated adults in Nottingham each year.
Based in Nottingham's Goose Gate, Emmanuel House supports the most vulnerable adults in Nottingham without prejudice or judgement, providing services that allow individuals to make positive changes in their lives. The work the charity does is truly remarkable, which is why our team at Page Kirk have chosen them as our charity of the year throughout 2021.
Food Collections
For the past month, we have pulled together once again to gather food for the charity's night shelter, which moved into a hotel last March as part of the Government's 'Everybody In' scheme, to get homeless people off the streets in the pandemic.
The team came together with the idea to buy a few extra items whilst doing their essential shop in order to support Emmanuel House's Night Shelter with food, snacks and drinks. As most of the team are working from home, I facilitated doorstop collections. We then had food deliveries sent straight to the office and even had food vouchers sent to us from friends in London. Needless to say, everyone really came through with an abundance of items which we are certain will make a real difference to a charity that delivers such remarkable work.
John Wallis, Managing Partner at Page Kirk commented:
“The team never fail to impress me by their willingness to support causes that transform lives. I am confident that Page Kirk will continue throughout the year in not only helping with raising funds and supplies but also generating an awareness of a charity that delivers such meaningful work within our community.”
How you can help
Although a fantastic donation from Page Kirk team, the food from the firm will only last around two days at the centre, making ongoing food donations crucial for the charity.
With no statutory funding for its core services, Emmanuel House relies on donations from the community , so donations of any kind are greatly appreciated. In order to avoid food waste, see their list of accepted items, which are items that the charity need the most.
Although the charity batch-cooks meals at their centre, there are no cooking facilities at the hotel, which makes snacks easier to hand out.
The charity has an 'Amazon Wishlist' for those who are unable to leave their homes. The items can be ordered online and delivered to the support centre or the hotel. All information can be found on their website. They also accept supermarket deliveries, so please get in touch with Rosie by email, to organise this.
Head to their website for more information on how to donate.
Advice for people to help the homeless?
Page Kirk are proud to be connected with one of the many services providing for homeless people in Nottingham, contributing to the strategic city-wide homelessness plan. Emmanuel House always welcome extra support. If you are worried about someone who is rough sleeping, or need help yourself, please call the Street Outreach team (run by Framework) 0800 066 53 56.
Support Page Kirk in Fundraising for Emmanuel House
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone that donated and supported our efforts in supporting Emmanuel House so far. To support the Page Kirk team in raising funds for the charity, please visit our fundraising page.