Here’s to wishes coming true this year!

When you wish upon a star

The time has come to announce our charity of the year for 2020. Staff at Page Kirk put the decision to a vote and decided that our fundraising efforts should go towards When You Wish Upon a Star – a fabulous charity that was founded right here in Nottingham by Barbara White 30 years ago.

Barbara's vision was to create an organisation that could make dreams come true for sick children with life-threatening illnesses. As the organisation celebrates its 30th anniversary, it has already granted an astonishing 18,000 Wishes, giving families a chance to create memorable and lasting moments.

Sometimes these Wishes are straightforward and easy to grant. Just £70 can help a kid spend a day with ponies and have a riding lesson, for example. A donation of £150 might allow a young boy or girl to go with their parent or guardian to see a much-loved band.

When You Wish Upon a Star also helps to make more elaborate dreams come true though. A family being able to head off to Florida to swim with dolphins and meet up with Mickey Mouse, for instance.

It's certainly a wonderful cause and one that Page Kirk is delighted to support during 2020. And as you'd expect, we intend to have some fun in the process! We'll be holding a monthly charity day on the last Friday of each month, where we dress down in return for a donation and also organise bake sales and games.

And watch this space…

We'll also be organising themed charity days and special events to raise money, just as we have in the past.

Sarah Sharp, who represents the charity, told us:

“We're very excited about the year ahead, particularly given that it's our 30th anniversary. It's great news that Page Kirk have chosen us as their charity partner in 2020. We don't receive any government funding and rely entirely on the generosity, energy and initiative of our supporters to raise vital funds. And we know just how much fundraising can boost morale, so we hope that the team at Page Kirk have lots of fun in the process!”

John Wallis, senior partner at Page Kirk, says:

“I'm extremely proud that we have chosen When You Wish Upon a Star, as it was founded right here in Nottingham and does remarkable work to improve the lives of children. We hope our support throughout 2020 will not only help to raise money, but also raise awareness of the great things they do. Here at Page Kirk, we'll aim to push ourselves and work as a team to do everything we can to support this valuable organisation.”

Page Kirk team