On his way to San Jose

As part of Page Kirk's international secondment programme, Assistant Manager and Chartered Accountant Tom Johnson is set to spend three months in sunny California. He talks to us about the professional opportunities that will come out of his time with partner firm Wheeler Accountants and his plans for sight-seeing and sports-watching!
This is something I've always wanted to do.
How long are you spending in America?
12 weeks overall. That's 10 weeks working with Wheeler and then two weeks travelling around the west coast of America!
How did the exchange come about?
Page Kirk reached out to Matt Wheeler, managing partner of Wheeler Accountants, directly about the possibility of a reciprocal secondment programme between our two firms, and they were really excited to take part. We are also members of Accelerate, a community of accounting firms with international coverage through Crowe Global, and Wheeler Accountants are part of CPAmerica, who is also a member of Crowe Global.
How does the exchange work?
I fly out to California on 10 September, with someone in a similar position to mine from Wheeler Accountants flying to the UK at the end of September. They'll stay here for three months. This way we both have some time overlapping in our respective home countries together.
I'm looking forward to seeing how our methodology compares to theirs.
Why did you put yourself forward for the work exchange programme?
This is something I've always wanted to do since I saw it as part of the Page Kirk placement scheme advert when I applied all those years ago!
What do you hope to get out of the exchange?
I'm looking forward to experiencing a new culture both socially and professionally.

What type of projects are you hoping to work on?
I'm hoping I can help out on audits when I'm over there. It'll be interesting to perform that type of work in different industries that I'm not used to. Wheeler also have plenty of not-for-profit clients, which I do a lot of work with here in the UK, so I'm looking forward to seeing how our methodology compares to theirs.
I'll be able to bring back some different and interesting ideas from my time with Wheeler.
What are you hoping to see and do in America?
I can't wait to explore the Bay Area and California as a whole. There's so much to see and do: the national and state parks, such as Yosemite, the Pacific coastline and numerous sports stadiums.
What are you most looking forward to about living in America for three months?
I'll say the sports! Anyone who knows me understands I'm a huge US sports fan, so being able to watch and go to NBA/NHL/MLB games (which are on every night, normally when I'm asleep!) will be amazing! However, secretly my answer is having access to Chick-fil-A everyday (if you know, you know).
How do you think the exchange will help you develop, personally and professionally?
Speaking to Wheeler's clients and staff every day when I'm over there will definitely develop my communication skills. And hopefully I'll be able to bring back some different and interesting ideas from my time with Wheeler.
Finally, as you'll be living in America for three months, can you name all 50 states? We're giving you five minutes. Can you do it?
… Ahh only 44! Off the top of my head I think that's ok. Least now I've got something to do for the 11-hour flight - memorising those states, ha! Wish you'd asked me to name the American football teams instead!
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