Coping with Covid: the help available in Tier 3

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As Nottingham and Nottinghamshire move into Tier 3 coronavirus restrictions, JACK MOORE – our Cloud Accounting Manager – looks at the support that is available for local businesses.

From midnight on Friday 30th October, the city of Nottingham and the whole county of Nottinghamshire will be placed under the highest tier of Covid measures for 28 days, after which a review will take place.

Pubs and restaurants will be forced to close, unless they serve a substantial meal and can only offer alcohol with food. What's more, any business selling food or drink for consumption on the premises must close between 10pm and 5am. A number of other rules will be in place regarding home working, mixing of households and Covid-security in workplaces. Click here for more information.

If restrictions generally have led to a decrease in the amount of work for your employees, we strongly advise that you take advantage of the Job Support Scheme. Similar to the furlough scheme, it provides a government contribution towards your employee's salary, allowing them to remain in employment without having to make them redundant.

For businesses that have been required to close, there is also a Local Restrictions Support Grant. This is available from local authorities and provides support every two weeks for companies that are forced to shut. As with any government scheme, you need to make a timely application and ensure that you send off relevant documents with accurate information.

We understand that this is a particularly challenging time for many businesses and the self-employed. If you require any advice or information on the support available to your business, or ways in which you can adapt, please contact a member of the Page Kirk team by calling on 0115 955 5500 or email at